2013年7月15日 星期一

Ethics: Golden Rule vs Silver Rule

黃金定律 - 「推己及人」,重行善,同理心之積極表現。
白銀定律 - 「己所不欲,勿施於人」,戒行惡,同理心之消極表現。



按照黃金定律,倘甲某人認為被施以丙某事是好的,甲某人便應「推己及人」,施丙某事乙某人。或許乙某人」跟「甲某人」一樣也認為被施以丙某事是好的,那麼甲某人丙某事乙某人」便成善事,誠為大幸。現以丙某事= 「虐待」為例,「甲某人認為被「虐」是好的,而乙某人」跟「甲某人」為「同道中人」,也一樣認為「虐」是好的,那麼甲某人「虐」乙某人」便成善事。又或許乙某人」跟「甲某人」不一樣,不但不認為被施以丙某事是好的,反認為被施以丙某事好的,那麼甲某人丙某事乙某人」頓成惡事,誠為大憾。現再次以丙某事= 「虐待」為例,「甲某人認為被「虐」是好的,而乙某人」跟「甲某人」不一樣,不但不認為「虐」是好的,反認為「虐」好的,那麼甲某人「虐」乙某人」便成惡事。黃金定律 maximises both 幸福&遺憾。

按照白銀定律,倘甲某人認為被施以丙某事好的,己所不欲,勿施於人」,甲某人便不應施丙某事乙某人。或許乙某人」跟「甲某人」一樣也認為被施以丙某事好的,那麼甲某人」不丙某事乙某人」便免於行惡,免卻一宗憾事。現再三以丙某事= 「虐待」為例,「甲某人認為被「虐」好的,而乙某人」跟「甲某人」一樣也認為「虐」好的,那麼甲某人」不「虐待」乙某人」便是少做一宗惡事。又或許乙某人」跟「甲某人」不一樣,不但不認為被施以丙某事好的,反認為被施以丙某事是好的,那麼甲某人」不丙某事乙某人」卻是少做了一件善事。最後仍以丙某事= 「虐待」為例,「甲某人認為被「虐」好的,而乙某人」跟「甲某人」不一樣,不但不認為「虐」是不好的,反認為「虐」是好的,那麼甲某人」不「虐」乙某人」就是少做了一件善事。白銀定律 minimises both 幸福&遺憾。

幸福&遺憾 maximising真的要比幸福&遺憾 minimising可取嗎?何以見得?

2013年5月6日 星期一


憂患[as Mou Zongshan said, this term was started in 徐復觀's 人性論:(先秦篇)]
How to translate the above 3 terms?
I try as follows:-
憂患意識 (ANXIETY)- my interpretation
恐怖意識(DREAD, according to Mou Zongshan)
驚怕意識(FEAR and TREMBLING, please refer to Kierkegaard's works)

Which of the above relate to God and religion?
Which need not refer to God's belief?
Which probably might be due to disbelief in God's care of our miserable life?
Which arises with sense of helpless self?
Which arises from sense of positive self and being?


與西方Schopenhaur and Kant, 或新儒学有何共通?

2013年4月30日 星期二


Why in Chinese, "asleep" is "睡覺" and "awake" is "醒覺", both with "覺" as second in the compound word/term even though the same word is pronounced differently in the two situations?

In the first, "目垂"下, 卻又有覺, 此覺是什麽覺?
In the second, "酉" 伴有星(star)然後有覺, 則此覺又是什麽覺?

2013年4月16日 星期二

East & West in Common

Many "Meaningful" English words

Hong Kong is a horrible city.
Drilling here and there!
The drilling noise is the ugliest that always drives you crazy!
But it is not forbidden, seldom or never. Why?
Are Hong Kongers crazy?

Even the sight of the word is irritating!
Why not?
Look at it carefully.
It spells:
Being ILL even in the presence of a doctor (DR.)!!

If you are a girl, avoid the name J...ILL, avoid it please!
No wonder the Cantonese impolite language has such a word which sounds "D'...ILL"!

2013年4月9日 星期二

Remarkable Nietzschean Insight

Failure of human reasoning: The error of confusing cause and consequence AND what Nietzsche calls- the original sin of reason- "Immortal unreason"

To quote Nietzsche's words in his Twilight of the Idols and The Anti-Christ, page 59, Penguin, 2003:

"The newspaper reader says: this party will ruin itself if it makes errors like this. My [Nietzsche's] higher politics says: a party which makes errors like this is already finished- it is no longer secure in its instincts. Every error, of whatever kind, is a consequence of degeneration of instinct, disgregation of will..."

Is "this party" the "Birthday Party" nowadays?
Please need not ask me. Think about it yourself. Do not insult your own wisdom by asking anyone.

2013年4月4日 星期四

Words said- full stop

Words said are not to be claimed:

In explaining her translation of Plato's Symposium, a lady translator says that Socrates always starts a debate by asking the opponent first and then introduces his alternative views and arguments afterwards to win.

If we believe that it is difficult to back up a new assertion but always easy to attack and crush an argument by simply offering a counter-example, we should really reassess the contribution made by the unlucky opponent and by Socrates. Who is more constructive in the sense?

And then when all the young kids appreciate his wisdom, Socrates claims his own ignorance however, indirectly mocking everybody including his admirers and followers. Is he irritating? Is he nasty and disgusting?

And then we have another character, Plato, who never claims and discloses his own thoughts but keeps quoting, repeating, and reporting what Socrates is supposed to have talked about. Whenever Plato opens his mouth, he would start: "Socrates says...." and then again: "Socrates says...."

His authority comes from his knowing Socrates. Is he irritating? Is he a coward?

A lot of words should actually be his words, but he dares not say: "I say.... "

To him, "I say..." has no market. "I say..." is weak without power. "I say..." perhaps appears blasphemous for without God, without Socrates, and then without Plato himself.

God make Socrates speak and Socrates makes him (Plato) speak on Socrates' behalf. Nobody is entitled: "I say... " in the whole respectable Western and religious world, it seems.

In this world, so many religious people never hesitate to claim whenever they open their mouths, like Plato: "God say... " and then again: "God say... " If you ask them: "what about you, what do you say?" They will stop, and stare at you as if you were a devil or a skin disease carrier.

When we learn Greek philosophy, we really should be more critical, rethink why and whether it should be justifiable that we followers should praise Socrates so much and thank Plato so much. Are they really 100% respectable mentors and masters?

And then the tradition of "he says...", "God say... ", "Mao say... ", "Michael Jackson says... ", "[Except me and never I] say... ".... Who should be responsible for promoting, extending, and accepting such irresponsible way of talking?

Unless religious people are "God's Gods", no way are they capable of knowing what God say. Forgive me to say, these religious people whose lips always stick with "God say" are insulting God, if any. By the same analogy, Plato insults Socrates. And many are insulting their icons.