2013年4月9日 星期二

Remarkable Nietzschean Insight

Failure of human reasoning: The error of confusing cause and consequence AND what Nietzsche calls- the original sin of reason- "Immortal unreason"

To quote Nietzsche's words in his Twilight of the Idols and The Anti-Christ, page 59, Penguin, 2003:

"The newspaper reader says: this party will ruin itself if it makes errors like this. My [Nietzsche's] higher politics says: a party which makes errors like this is already finished- it is no longer secure in its instincts. Every error, of whatever kind, is a consequence of degeneration of instinct, disgregation of will..."

Is "this party" the "Birthday Party" nowadays?
Please need not ask me. Think about it yourself. Do not insult your own wisdom by asking anyone.


