2013年3月8日 星期五

Are there philosophers in HK? Should they be silent or Socratic as stingy flies?

Someone on newspaper challenges that we are lacking philosophers in Hong Kong. And that partially explains why the cross border "milk powder" delivery trade issue has been dealt with introduction of new penalties under new laws without satisfactory solutions, causing complaints, controversies, and cross border debates and conflicts.

Is such issue philosophical?
If so, why indeed there appears barely any opinion so far from any philosopher in Hong Kong?
Or indeed as this critic has said, there is really a lack of philosopher in Hong Kong?

Why are philosophers silent in Hong Kong?

6 則留言:

  1. doggiedog關心香港很值得讚揚.可惜就算香港有更好的哲學家都救不了香港.香港政府是不會有耐性和你討論哲學這一套,而且他們一般都不須要有太長遠的定位及盼望.簡單來說,只是用最有效的放法見血止血,頭痛就醫頭,不負責任.奶粉事件只不過是一個後果,前因其實他們一早就知道.香港政府只有是唯物的,功利的.唯物論及功利主義不是哲學嗎?只是你不認同而已.

  2. 中、西方傳統上對哲人似有不同的定義。

    古西方: "philo"即愛,"sophy"即智慧。"Philosopher"就是愛智慧的人。古代中國:「哲」者,(依在下之「拆」解)專口術以折服他者之能人也。


    [註1]:不是保存(preserve);是保全(protect) –似是「富有中国特色的詞語」

    在下不知道要是香港有多一些哲人,是否就會對處理"milk powder"事宜帶來幫助–是否還需看看那是來自何方的哲人呢?

  3. 不如我來問你一個更有趣的問題. "西九文化區"發展計劃,還要打造出中國文化的特色,那為什麼港府要找紅鬚綠眼的鬼佬來做顧問呢? 連廣東話也不會講的鬼佬,竟可以在中國文化上指手劃脚,可笑嗎? 奶粉事件小事啦!!

    1. 豈止文化事業,在香港就連樓盤廣告(是的,在下實在太喜歡談論廣告了!)也要用上洋人模特兒.洋樓跟洋妞又有何干呢?鬼佬嫌貴,港人(話)買唔起,到最後哩啲廣告的真正對象其實咪又係......

  4. 以乎大家忘記了回應 "Socratic as stingy flies"

    網誌標是Not So Philosophical,只談"Not So", 而遺留了柏拉圖的哲學王,有點未能盡興。

  5. It is taken for granted that normal people have a normal heart and feeling- feeling sorry for others' misfortune, the sense of empathy (同情心). Unless philosophers are cold-blooded, they are supposed to be equally normal (at least) with a normal warm heart.

    Across the border, there are many mothers looking for trustworthy milk powder to feed their babies. They are so desperate. They cannot wait. They cannot take any risk by feeding their babies with any more untrustworthy milk powder. They worry that their babies may become "大頭B" if their babies drink locally made milk powder. They even worry that what they can buy in local shops may be counterfeit (fake) imported milk powder. Their love for their babies is unreservedly absolute! Whether their belief is right or wrong, nobody has the right to comment or make judgement. Right or wrong, they simply cannot take a chance! No way!

    Even if Hongkongers do not follow Mohist's "兼愛", do not take it serious about Christian's "博愛", at least Hongkongers should understand Confucius' "推己及人"!

    Hong Kong is a free port providing services on basis of facilitating convenience to anyone here (including anyone with legal entry visas). If Hong Kong mothers and fathers are lucky here but at the same time supporting the irrational idea that all lucks must be retained and confined within the territory of Hong Kong- that trustworthy milk powder must be consumed within the territory of Hong Kong, NOT to be re-transported out, directly and indirectly cutting out sources on supply of trustworthy milk powder via carriers' delivery services to desperate mothers across the border, Hong Kong is no longer a free entreport anymore, and Hongkongers have all forgotten about "人同此心、心同此理"!

    We, in fact, do not need Plato or Socrates, to teach us if we are normal people who are supposed to be empathetic unconditionally. In other words, if philosophers who still pick up excuses here and there, making jokes and laughing their way out despite awareness of tragic situation of mothers and babies across the border, philosophers should be ashamed of themselves (枉為哲学家)!

