According to PRC scholar, 陳洪, there are several aspects or levels of understanding of 金聖嘆之說 :「格物」以「忠恕」為要門: (1) 「忠恕」is collaboration and toleration. Let others have true passions and emotions. (2) 「忠」is genuine expression of the heart feeling, no pretensions. (3) recognition and affirmation of others' 「忠」is the practice of TAO in forgiveness 「行恕道」. In the process is 「格物」. (4)When everybody is truly loyal to one and others on The Way 「合乎大道」, there is eternal and perpetual peace everywhere. (5) 「忠恕」is in common with Buddhism.
H Wan is correct. There is nothing with 朱子之学, only 大程 and 陽明之說, followed by 陳白沙: "心地要寬平, 賢愚善惡–切要包他, 到得物我兩忘, 渾然天地氣象, 方始是成就處."
Therefore from 陳白沙, we may associate with Schopenhaur's will of all beings in common, in-it-self, and not to kill a pig on the presumption that it is "inferior" which is not! Empathy is the key to accessibility without which「格物」is just dry-talk, and thing-in-itself remains in obscurity! Knowledge guarantees no wisdom, as hinted by Kant.
回覆刪除陸王學派則認為「格物致知」之中,知者乃良知之知。「格物致知」,就是就每事上致其良知,規範反省自身行為、端正事業物境、修持心性不為物牽,達致了知德行根本、自心良知本體、回復天理之知。「天之與我者,即此心也。人皆有是心,心皆有是理,心即理也。」「無善無惡是心之體,有善有惡是意之動,知善知惡是良知,為善去惡是格物。」似乎金聖嘆就「格物致知」的理解靠近陸王學派,並認為要「格物」- 即「為善去惡」,須曉得「忠恕」。
According to PRC scholar, 陳洪, there are several aspects or levels of understanding of 金聖嘆之說 :「格物」以「忠恕」為要門:
回覆刪除(1) 「忠恕」is collaboration and toleration. Let others have true passions and emotions.
(2) 「忠」is genuine expression of the heart feeling, no pretensions.
(3) recognition and affirmation of others' 「忠」is the practice of TAO in forgiveness 「行恕道」. In the process is 「格物」.
(4)When everybody is truly loyal to one and others on The Way 「合乎大道」, there is eternal and perpetual peace everywhere.
(5) 「忠恕」is in common with Buddhism.
H Wan is correct. There is nothing with 朱子之学, only 大程 and 陽明之說, followed by 陳白沙: "心地要寬平, 賢愚善惡–切要包他, 到得物我兩忘, 渾然天地氣象, 方始是成就處."
Therefore from
陳白沙, we may associate with Schopenhaur's will of all beings in common, in-it-self, and not to kill a pig on the presumption that it is "inferior" which is not! Empathy is the key to accessibility without which「格物」is just dry-talk, and thing-in-itself remains in obscurity! Knowledge guarantees no wisdom, as hinted by Kant.