Is Omission Positive or Negative, if there is such an act?
What is a Double Negative Act, if there can be negative act?
An act of omission is a legal term supposed to be "definable" and "meaningful". Such an act may constitute also an act of negligence depending on the situation.
How to perceive a situation, if any and if possible, of a guy's omitting omission? Can anyone help illustrate such a possibility with a live example in reality? What will be the probable legal implication to such guy?
If an act of omission may be caused by oversight, recklessness, poor memory, attitude of indifference, or sentiment of coldbloodiness, involving possibilities of both intentional and unintentional mentalities (i.e IM and UIM), then "to omit omission" is to do what?
Interested parties please let us be enlightened. Thanks.